Il consumatore longevo, anzi senza età


Nicola Palmarini
Nicola Palmarini
I am the Director of UK's National Innovation Centre for Ageing (NICA) a world-leading organisation, created with a £40 million investment from UK Government and Newcastle University, to help create a world in which we all live better, for longer. The Centre aims to bring together world-leading innovation experts, scientists, industry and the public, to develop, test and bring to market products and services which enhance and improve all aspects of life for our ageing societies. Before, I was research manager at IBM Research where I have been the Program Manager and Ethics AI lead of the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, a $250 million academic industry partnership for the responsible advancement of artificial intelligence. I am an author, teacher, applied research scientist and I'm interested in understanding how technologies and AI can help mitigate factors as loneliness and isolation, fight ageism (here’s my talk at TEDx) and support life of older adults while preserving independence and dignity in their life-stages progression. I am also interest in the dynamics about women, technology and the workplace serving as founding board member of In my IBM career, I served as Global Manager of Ai for Healthy Aging in Cambridge; Director of Human Centric Solution Center in Paris; Head of Corporate Brand System and Social media and head of Customer Experience, Brand and Usability both in IBM Italy, Milano. Prior to joining IBM, I was creative director at McCann-Erikson Interactive and served ad creative director in several advertising agencies. In my other explorations through innovative digital + human landscapes of interaction I was Head of Digital at Tinaba and co-founder of Talent Garden (TAG) Innovation School the largest European co-working and innovation hub. Born in Italy the Innovation School is now active with 23 campuses in 8 different countries. It runs 5 Full time Masters, 10 Masterclasses, has trained more than 3,500 professionals, and involved 80 companies in training programs. I enjoy writing and am particularly excited about the interaction of technology and humans. I wrote four books all published by Egea/Università Bocconi; my former (Le Infiltrate) was dedicated to the dramatic lack of women in STEM careers and its impact on future society, while the last (Immortali) is a journey through the opportunities of the longevity revolution and the chances of immortality provided by AI and broad research. I feel strongly that researchers need to engage with the public. I have engaged in a variety of outreach activities, from showcasing applied research in business innovation plays, to public speaking, to organizing and participating in events aimed at the public, in volunteering. I'm glad that the public is interested in what I study and I do, and I'm keen to share my passion with others. I also like to think about the ways in which the longevity revolution will impact society and how technologies will tackle it; this is something that I do through my role as adjunt professor at Università di Bergamo and serving as Board member of International Scientific Advisory Committee at the Mc Master institute for research on aging between others. I have an account on LinkedIn which I check constantly. I am an active Twitter user, where my username is @nipalm. You can find a more formal CV here. (Updating it)


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