Age of Majiority

We have observed a huge gap in how the marketing world perceives, portrays and engages today’s mature consumers. Ground-breaking research from Age of Majority found marketers disproportionately invest in youth under false assumptions about aging consumers. We felt it was about time that businesses focused on the largest and most lucrative opportunity available. That is why we launched Age of Majority, supported by our collective 30 years of management consulting, brand management and agency experience. The Age of Majority leadership team oversees the design and execution of all client work, thought-leadership and speaking engagements. They are supported by a team of consultants and bolstered by AoM’s key advisors and an extended network of subject matter experts.

articoli dell'autore

Come il Covid ha cambiato abitudini e interessi di consumo degli over 55 negli Usa/Canada

Age of Majority e Revolution 55 hanno unito le forze e realizzato una ricerca su 400 Nord Americani e Canadesi over 55 tra il 10 di giugno e il 28 luglio. Tradotto per A.L.I. Age of Majority...


Longevi meno soli (e più ricchi) con la consulenza finanziaria

Il rapporto con i consulenti fa accrescere la propensione al risparmio e soprattutto incrementa di molto il reddito pensionistico.

La Longevity Valley

Fintech 2.0 e Banche della Longevity, grazie all’intelligenza artificiale. Pubblicato per Forbes il 20/1/2020 di Margarita Colangelo Cognitive World Traduzione per A.L.I. Negli ultimi 100 anni l’industria finanziaria ha...

Il nuovo business della longevity

From co-housing to sexuality, population aging is translating the most significant demographic phenomenon of recent history into a source of new business Dal co-housing alla sessualità,...